I made the angel food from scratch, my first attempt at one. The recipe I was going to use called for cake flour, but since I was making this at 10 P.M. on a Friday night I didn't really feel like trudging to the store to buy some, so I found a recipe that used regular flour and confectioners sugar instead. Here's something I learned: trying to get powdered sugar out of a box is a pain in the ass, and inevitably results in a kitchen that looks like it's being used to cut cocaine and baby laxative together. Pour it in a container first and then scoop it out.
I used a carton of egg whites because really, what was I going to do with 12 egg yolks? Make a custard to pour over my fat-free cake?...Actually, that sounds pretty good. I love the rituals involved in making an angel food cake. The frantic whipping of the whites, and how you need to invert the cake in the pan for an hour before serving it. But let's be frank. Angel food cake is kind of dry. So Jell-o is the perfect addition, resulting in an extremely moist cake that is still fat free. Win!